“One act of Kindness”

Today, I will share story of poor man who lives in the small village. He had two daughters, and a wife. He had two chicken farms his whole family worked during all day and whole night they all stay at home because the area where they worked was not safe at night there were some wild animals who came towards villages during night.

One day when man go his farm he was shocked when he enters his farmhouse because there was now any chickens at both of the two farms, and he returned home very upset and told about robbery to his wife and daughters they all get worried because that was the only source of their nurture.

When whole village listened about robbery all men and women’s started to search the robbers, and one day they succeeded in their mission, and they caught robber safely. Then they returned the robbers in hand of poor man whom they stole all of his chickens.

Here, I will ask from everyone what you will expect from him what he will do with the robbers? Everyone thought he would definitely punished him, but he literally did nothing with them and forgave them and returned them safely.

I know you all are shock there but what he shows great act of kindness and forgiveness even he was not arrogant to them and did not harm them and returned them to their home safely even the man had empty hand. He shows the biggest example of kindness and what this story taught us,Its not necessary to do bad to those who did bad to you but if you handle them in humble way they will automatically get embarrassed by their action.

We almost tring to take revenged in most possible way to harm others but i think it only nurtures to evilness and malevolent at the same time humanity in ourselves mercilessly kill.

Once The gesture of kindness Holy Prophet P.B.U.H said;

Be Merciful to others and you will receive Mercy

This taught us if we show act of kindness the same we received try to be soft to others we don’t know what a person is going through what circumstances they are facing so don’t ever let your words increase someones trouble try to be humble to others and let spread kindness all around.

Together we can change the world by just one random act of kindness

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