B+ :)

Do you B+ person??? Or i mean do you be positive person when conditions around you is not in your favour do you believe to be in real optimism especially when everything is against you. Here i will tell you how to become a warrior in order to go through a difficult situation may be it might help you 🙂

You can learn to turn negative energy into positive. The ways are so simple but it could take time and practice you can create by making new habits Here are some ways to think and behave in more positive and optimistic way.

First identify the areas of change in which you often think more negative way about this is very first step to change towards your thoughts and behavior and you will gradually become more positive and optimistic. You can start it by focusing on any one area of your daily life.

Check your self periodically during day and night and evaluate what you most oftenly. If you find your thoughts are mostly negative try to find a way to put positive spin into them.

Be open to humor give your self permission to smile and laugh especially during difficult time and give your self a little time to do things which you love the most it might help you to little relief from your daily boring hectic life. Seek humor in every day happenings when you can laugh at life you feel less stress.

Surround your self with positive people who can support you and help you in difficult times and give you positive advise and feedback. Negative people may increase your stress level and make you doubt your abilities you have to manage or think to whom you surround yourself

Follow a healthy life style Aim to do exercise for about 30 mins and most of the week days you can also make it break into 10 mins it’s totally up to you how much You can manage to make time for your self. Exercise make you affect your mood in positive way and reduced your stress. Follow a healthy diet to fuel your mind and body and learn techniques to manage stress.

Be gentle and encourage your self if a negative thought come into your mind evaluate it rationally and respond it with affirmation what is good about you and think about the things which are you greatfull for in your life.

If you tend to have an negative outlook don’t tend to become an optimistic over night but practice it eventually your self talk contain less self criticism and more self acceptance. You may Also become less critical of the world around you.

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